Im nächsten Lesekreis wollen wir uns mit Barry Schwartz beschäftigen. Dieser kommt in “The Paradox of Choice – Why More is Less” zum Schluss, dass:
“As the number of choices keeps growing, negative aspects of having a multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the negatives escalate until we become overloaded. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates.”
Den Text gibts entweder hier, hier oder aber auch hier. Für die TV-affinen unter euch, ist aber auch dieser Vortrag von Barry Schwartz interessant.
Solltest auch du Interesse haben, über den Text zu diskutieren, dann komm am 27. April um 20:00 in die Schildburg.
In the next session of our reading circle we are going to discuss Barry Schwartz’s “The Paradox of Choice – Why More is Less”. He claims that:
“As the number of choices keeps growing, negative aspects of having a multitude of options begin to appear. As the number of choices grows further, the negatives escalate until we become overloaded. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates.”
You may obtain the text “hier”, “hier” or “hier”. Also note that he gave a talk summarizing the book, available online.
We are looking forward to an interesting discussion. We meet on April 27th at 8 p.m. in the Schildburg.